Sunday, May 23, 2021

Backflips and Hiking

 Last Sunday afternoon Kim got some cuddles in the hammock

There is a little book library in our neighborhood where people can leave books and others can take them. Kim took the big boys there and read some books.

We took a family bike ride to the elementary school and played at the park together

Lyza and Nixon dug holes, which apparently Lyza does for most recesses

I think he was tired

Nixon can do backflips!

He was so proud of himself

He came home and made sure the magic had not worn off

Playing some games together

When Kim is in charge of food for a stake youth conference we get a van full of water, snacks, and candy

Henry falls asleep on the floor more often than he falls asleep in his bed

The lilies of the valley are looking good

Kim got her biometric screening done for her citizenship. Next will be the interview

We only see homeless people when we go to Spokane

Kim's candy table looked awesome and was a hit with the kids

I think this is Kim's presidency

Saturday morning I took a bike ride West on the Centennial Trail and ended up in Liberty Lake

It was windy but the ride there didn't seem too bad (because I hadn't realized I had a tail wind). When it was time to turn around I realized how much harder it was riding into the wind

While Kim was at the youth conference Saturday afternoon I took the kids hiking

We saw some cave creatures

They always love playing on these big rocks

And taking breaks for snacks

Aren't they cute together?

Some little flowers along the trail

Henry was very independent

After I took this picture I asked Nixon why he was so mad. He said he wasn't mad, he was just tired. He sure fooled me!

They are sure a cute bunch

Have a great week!

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