Sunday, May 2, 2021

Silverwood Season Begins

We saw one of the smaller moose this week. We usually don't see moose this time of year

It's fur looks pretty scraggly but maybe it is losing a winter coat? This one also looks like it has bumps where it might grow antlers? 

Mason helped Kim transplant some raspberries

Sometimes you have to just stop and smell the tulips ;)

We had a FHE this week where the kids made cards for their primary teachers

This train has been going nonstop

The kids have been having lots of fun on the trampoline and love to show off

Tulips are so pretty

Mason looks so lonely without Henry there beside him

The little boys had a few minutes at the park before a hike

Here is Mason and his bestie

Henry kept asking Kim "cheese me" so she would take pictures of him

Cute bunch

Thanks for the flower Mason

After Henry was EXHAUSTED

The big apple tree has lots of blossoms

Nixon had parkour on Saturday

Here are some of his trampoline moves

We went to Silverwood on the opening day this year and so did LOTS of other people. We had fun but hopefully the lines aren't always that long (they shouldn't be)

Here are some pictures

We got pretty wet

Here is a compilation video of some of the rides

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun week. Awesome that you guys could visit Silverwood!
