Sunday, March 24, 2024

Is It the End of Ski Season?

 Kim helped in primary a couple of weeks ago so she got to see Mr. Henry helping with singing time

I did some puzzles with Henry that afternoon

Kim got to go skiing with some friends the next day

Kim was courageous and tried this black diamond for the first time

Henry discovered naval oranges recently and really likes them (you will notice Mason does too)

Lyza helped me capture a cool sunset on the way to her youth activity (it looked at least 20x better in person)

Kim and I had a temple night recently

With warm weather comes some chalk art (he was actually grinding up the chalk and putting it in a bag because it felt cool to squish it)

I got to take all three boys to their teacher conferences and hear what great students they are. Henry was especially happy to show off what he has been doing and learning.

We celebrated pi day with...pie

That Friday we took the boys skiing while Lyza was in school. It was a beautiful day!

The weather was really nice in the morning. After lunch it got a little too warm and the snow got sticky.

It was fun to ski together

Henry tried several new runs including his first ever black diamond!

I had the GoPro with a harness on Nixon so we got some fun footage of him doing what he does best

Then it was back to the warmth of the sun and spring

Henry enjoyed making this crazy train

Henry helped me make French toast last weekend for breakfast

We sized Henry up to Mason's last bike and he caught on to it pretty quickly

We tried out the pressure washer we got as a Christmas gift and cleaned up the vehicles

Nixon and Kim went on a date to Red Robin and Nixon got a giant burger

Pretty cool pyramid

Our stake youth had a swimming activity and Lyza brought her friend

Once again the leprechaun evaded the kids' trap but at least he left some gold coins

And some cereal

He also left his mark on the kids

Yummy green smoothie and muffins for lunch

I took the boys to the skate park to play on their bikes

Playing Jenga with Henry is very stressful

But playing outside on the swing set is much more relaxing

Henry tried a hard boiled egg this last week and liked the white part

He also helped Kim make a breakfast casserole and he enjoyed it

The warm weather has been nice but it also leaves us wondering if skiing is over for the season. Hopefully we can make it out again.

Take care

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully the kids can catch a tricky leprechaun next year!
