This has been a really crazy week!
Nixon turned 4 weeks old last week. Here are a couple pictures of him with his lion.
It always seems like when Nixon is sleeping he is dreaming of football...specifically someone kicking a successful field goal
I think it may be all of the Friday Night Lights that we watched before and after he was born
Here is Lyza at her friends' house playing the drum
We made it out to the park this week. It wasn't the greatest experience because Lyza seems to have forgotten how much fun the slides are. Last summer she had no problems with slides, no matter how big, but this trip she was terrified of them and we left the park with her crying : (
Here is a video of Lyza coloring and singing a song from one of her favorite movies, Scripture Bugs. She really loves that movie. Thanks grandma and grandpa!
Kim has introduced Lyza to jewelry making. She makes necklaces with beads. She really enjoys it and it is a nice, quiet, independent activity for Lyza.
The only downside to Lyza's new hobby is when she knocks the beads off the table and scatters them all over the carpet
Here is where the major stress of our week comes from. POTTY TRAINING! We have gotten serious about potty training this week. Lyza has been doing really well. But, the accidents are still frustrating, especially when they don't seem like "accidents."
I just have to keep reminding myself that it has only been a few days and we have seen some really good progress.
What cute kids!
We introduced Nixon to the swing this week. He likes it, but not as much as Lyza did. Maybe it is still early. I remember that we could put Lyza in the swing and she would sleep for hours. We always felt guilty, as if the swing was hypnotizing her or she was on some sort of artificial sleep-support equipment and we constantly had to make the decision of when to "pull the plug." Eventually we would feel guilty enough to turn it off so she would wake up.
Happy baby
I think Lyza's dislike for her brother is finally over (it was never very severe to begin with). Here she is putting the blanket on him to keep him warm
I wish I knew what he was thinking about (probably milk!)
Here Lyza is wearing her owl purse (under her arm) and she was grocery shopping for me, which means going back and forth between her room and the living room and bringing me food from her kitchen
My little babies
Yesterday we decided to do a photo shoot with Lyza and Nixon. Here is Nixon getting ready for the event
Some of the pictures turned out pretty well. Enjoy:
We asked Nixon to "do a sit-up like daddy" and this is what we got
That's all for now. Take Care.
Nixon & Lyza are adorable- cute pictures!