Sunday, March 2, 2014

Welcome Nixon!!!

We have had a busy week!
Welcome Nixon Daniel Keyes!
Here are the events that led up to Nixon's birth (Kim's words, not mine):

Friday evening I was having contractions every 7 minutes for a couple of hours which eventually stopped after 3 hours. My friends had organized one last girls night for me that night that I was able to go to, which was a lot of fun. I woke up Saturday morning at 4:30 having much stronger contractions that lasted through the day. They were irregular until about 5 pm that night when they started coming every 10-15 minutes. By around 8 pm I was having contractions every 6-7 minutes and we were trying to decide if we should put Lyza to bed at our house or take her to our friends who would be watching her. We decided to keep her home. Around 10 pm all of my contractions stopped and I went to bed. I was woken up at 1 am with contractions that were 5-6 minutes apart. They stayed that way for a while and were getting stronger and stronger. At 4 am I decided to wake Daniel up so we could start making our way to the hospital. It had been snowing all night and I wanted to make sure we left enough time to make the drive to Lewiston safely. We put our hospital bags in the car, woke Lyza up, and drove her over to our friends' house for her to sleep there. Daniel did a great job driving on the icy roads to Lewiston while I continued to have contractions. We made it to the hospital safely just after 5 am, got up to the birthing center, and got settled into our labor room. Just as I laid down and the nurse hooked me up to the monitors all of my contractions suddenly stopped again! They checked to see if I was dilated and said I was maybe a 1 ½ which was disheartening because I had been at a one for the prior 2 weeks. If my contractions didn't start up again they were going to send me home because it seemed like nothing was going to happen. Daniel and I decided to walk around the hospital for 30 minutes to see if that would help my labor start up again. We found some long hallways and lots of stairs to go up and down and sure enough it did the trick! My contractions started again. We went back to the room having regular contractions, I was suddenly dilated to a 4 and 20 minutes later my water broke (just before 7 am). We were staying and having our baby!

Daniel's back: The delivery went perfectly! Kim was amazing and everything went smoothly, especially once Kim got the epidural (around 9 am). The epidural was so effective that Kim and I both had a nap for a while before the main event.

Modern medicine is truly amazing. The delivery was nothing like the frantic scenes portrayed by Hollywood. In between contractions and pushing we were talking about the weather and the Olympics with the doctor and the nurse. It was a lot more relaxing than we had expected.

1:48 pm - Nixon Daniel Keyes was born. Kim got to hold him on her chest for a long time (Probably close to 2 hours) before he was weighed, measured, and cleaned.
That time felt like forever for me (I know, no one cares about the Dad at this point), but it was great that Kim was able to get that time to bond right away.
 They got him all cleaned up, weighed, and measured
 Cute little feet
 Then I finally got some time with my little guy

 And just when we were ready to start the photo shoot they put that gunk in his eyes
 Happy to have him

 So reverent

 The next day Kim's parents brought Lyza to the hospital to visit with us. We are so thankful for the Hayes family, who watched Lyza early Sunday morning through Monday morning.
Meeting his grandpa

 Meeting grandma
Lyza seemed both excited and indifferent towards meeting her new baby brother. She has been having some understandable difficulties with this transition

 Hanging out at the hospital together

 She missed her mommy
 We left the hospital Monday afternoon. Here is Nixon ready for his first car ride
 It was nice to come home
Lyza checking him out again
Hanging out at home

 This little guy actually likes his soother (most people down here call them "binkies" or "soo-soos"). Lyza never took a soother

 Lyza had lots of fun with her grandma and grandpa
 She got some new food for her kitchen

Of course nothing compares to cuddles with mama

 Except building SNOWMEN!

Here is Lyza on the quilt that grandma made for Nixon

 It is super cute!
This little boy is so good natured. He is so sweet, and so sleepy! So far he has been really sleepy during the day and more active at night. We (especially Kim) have been pretty tired trying to match his "schedule" 

 Lyza has been showing more an more interest in him and even asks about him every once in a while 
 We got him a little stuffed animal lion
 Our HAPPY Family
Nixon with grandma and grandpa 
 All good things come to an end, we really appreciate the help
 Like I said earlier, sleepy baby 

 At Kim's baby shower all of the guests wrote messages to her on diapers to help her through the late night diaper changes
 "Dad's Little Rookie"

 He is so little

 happy girl, like usual

 Isn't that the most adorable little smile?
 One of Kim's friends made this little hat
 First bath at home
 Cute hairdo 
I love this little guy!
 Watching a movie
 Mamma gets lots of good snuggles
 Lyza concentrating on cutting her play dough. Future surgeon? 
 Wide awake
 Sister kisses
 So handsome

 Our little angel
Well, how about a dancing video?
Here is a little video of Nixon surviving in our crazy house
We feel very blessed to have Nixon here with us. 

That's all for now. Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I am so happy for you guys!! Nixon is wonderful!
