Sunday, September 8, 2019

Back to School?!

We have been loving playing this game together (Arkle). We got it from my parents years ago (because it is Noah's Ark themed) and just finally opened it up. It is the same as Farkle. So much fun.
 I love seeing these two hanging out in the hammock together
 On Monday for labor day we went out to a restaurant in Sandpoint for lunch

 Then we went to the city beach (on lake Pend Orielle) to play for the afternoon. That beach has really nice sand (put there before the Clean Water Act made such activities illegal)
 The kids loved playing in the sand

 Mason would throw this floatie out and then go fetch it
 Where the water was a little higher on him it was funny watching him try to step high enough to get back in the floatie
 There were lots of seagulls
 The kids each got a chance getting buried in the sand

 Mason wanted his hole to be filled with water too
 We had lots of fun digging holes in the sand and making big piles with it

Henry may have eaten a little
 Kim dug channels for the water to run through and she and the kids would dump water at the top and watch it run down 
 Henry liked to be out in the water in small doses
 It was a really pretty area and a nice change
 That evening the kids thought it would be a good idea to pile up on their mom. I don't think she agreed but she was outnumbered
 The next morning it was back to school. It was tough for Lyza to get up after a summer with no firm schedule
 She was excited for school though

 Nixon also got to go to school that day and meet his teacher and see his classroom

 I love his silly expression here
 Kissing Henry good bye
 Mason is the man of the house when Nixon is at school?
 Kim has been wearing Henry more recently so she can get things done and he can be held
 Nixon's class has a couple of frogs
 And a bearded dragon
 He and Mason got to have lunch together outside
 The next day was Nixon's first full morning of kindergarten. He is so cute!
 Luckily he gets to ride the bus with Lyza in the morning
 Mason gets a little more attention while the two big kids are at school
 Mason has taken his new responsibilities to heart and has even started feeding Henry without being asked

I am not sure if we have mentioned this before but Mason loves corn

 One morning while the kids were at school Kim took the two little boys to a library activity. It was the 50 year celebration of the Hungry Little Caterpillar. He had lots of fun!

he even made this caterpillar necklace
 All the activities were caterpillar themed

 What a cute hat!
 Lyza told Kim what her new favorite recess activity is...chasing boys!
I think we are in trouble!
On Friday night Nixon got to go to a karate class
He even got to kick through a board
 On Saturday morning Lyza and Nixon got to go on a little shopping trip with their mom. They were so cute holding hands in the store
 Yesterday we went to a celebration put on by our electricity provider
There was a lunch and other fun activities
 There was a HUGE bouncy house slide

 I saw Kim taking a picture of me and the kids
 So I took a picture of her taking my picture
 There was a smaller bouncy house that Mason really enjoyed
When our big kids figured out that they were also able to use it they got right to work scaring all of the parents of younger and smaller children! 

Henry is always such a happy boy
 The coolest thing was when Kim, Lyza, Nixon, and Mason got to go in a cherry picker high in the sky 
 The view was impressive from both above and below

 Yesterday afternoon I stumbled upon this cute sight
 Last night Kim took the two big kids to a wedding reception
 Today Lyza made this sweet gift for me (each popsicle stick is an activity she and I can do together). She got the idea from a Friend magazine.
 She is so sweet!
We had a great week and hope you did too.
Take care


  1. Lots of great pictures. My fave is the Very Hungry Caterpillar one of Henry.

  2. Hope Lyza and Nixon are happy at school!
