Sunday, September 15, 2019


Kim did a fun experiment with the kids. They placed skittle on a plate and added water. The result was beautiful...and tasty!

 The best part was drinking up the water with straws and eating the skittles
 Lyza got to go to her friend's birthday party
Mason has been helping Kim in the kitchen
 Henry is taking steps and melting our hearts. He is up to about 4 steps at a time. Almost there!
 Nixon got to go do some shopping with his mom
While the rest of us played at the park and the beach
 On Tuesday night while we were watching America's Got Talent Henry was super cute looking through books and throwing a ball around

But don't take my word for it, see for yourself
Kim and Nixon devised a plan to scare Lyza while she was walking home from the bus 

She was surprisingly violent when faced with a scary dinosaur
 Our friends took Kim and I (and Henry) out for dinner on Friday night
Henry was so happy to play with a spoon and a knife
 He also loved munching on the chicken wing bones 
Saturday was Nixon's first soccer game of the fall season. He scored a goal right away.
 Here he is after another one of his goals (he got 4 that game)
 He does such a good job taking the ball and getting out in front of the pack
 He also knows how to have fun with his teammates

 Another goal

After all of that soccer we were pretty tired
 Meanwhile, Kim had been canning like a maniac!
 That is a lot of pears!

Kim also went on two separate runs with Lyza and Nixon. Each time they ran 1.7 miles. Lyza and Nixon both did great!
 Nixon was pretty spent by the end of the day
 Hope you all had a fun week
Take care

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