Sunday, September 29, 2019

We didn't get autumn!

On a walk last week we (Nixon) found a dead snake on the sidewalk

 A young family (one child Henry's age) just bought this double decker bus and plan on converting it into a home. We had to check it out. 
 Grandma Bullock came for a visit this week and the kids were so happy to see her
 We put her right to work picking apples
 150 pounds!
 Kim and her mom treated themselves to pedicures
 They went down to the park one day and things went from this picturesque scene
 To Mason swimming in his clothes
 Getting some mother-daughter time
 Henry and Grandma played with bubbles while Kim potted a new plant
 We taught Grandma to play Arkle
 I took another sunrise time lapse and the clouds are pretty cool in this one
Mason was lots of help while Grandma and Kim made apple sauce
 He literally jumped right in to help
 The boys were always willing to help

 Nixon enjoying the yummy apple sauce
 the squirrels took care of the missed apples
 Lyza got to do some crafting with her grandma
 Kim enjoyed making apple sauce all day so much that she decided to make some apple butter in the evening
 That is a lot of apple sauce
 And now with the apple butter
 Playing some peek-a-boo with Henry
Here is Lyza sharing some wisdom
Mother nature is seriously confused. We got our first snow fall this year in September! Not even Edmonton got this snow fall ;) 
 Henry sporting his new aviator jacket from Grandma
 These two did something yesterday that completely shocked us...they played together! Nixon started giving Mason piggy back rides and they both had a blast! They had so much fun that at dinner time they both asked if they could sit next to each other. Well, before the meal was over Nixon was regretting that decision. It was still cute though watching them be best buds, even if it was only for a little while
Kim got a new haircut and she looks stunning (even in a bathroom selfie ;)
Take care

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